Category: Technology

Sony’s invasion 0

Sony’s invasion

No-one can deny it. When Sony launched their Playstation console, they purposely shaped the new generations of video games, surpassing the always classic Nintendo consoles and destroying Sega’s market hold. They both were the...

In honorem Vir memorabilis 0

In honorem Vir memorabilis

-In honor of an extraordinary man- Yesterday, one of the more fabulous men in the history of personal computing has passed away. Other than Knuth, Mandelbrot and others, Steve Jobs gave computing that special...

Browser Wars: Episode 1 1

Browser Wars: Episode 1

To be able to work in my personal computer, the Acer Aspire 3050 that I mentioned in my latest post about my wireless card, sometimes is really impossible. The lack of RAM memory, added...

What is the (or)deal with 0

What is the (or)deal with

The Web is a free element. You’re free (you’d hope) to do or to say whatever you want, as other people are free to choose to read what you say or not. There is...

¿Quien es el héroe? ¿#! o ath5k? 0

¿Quien es el héroe? ¿#! o ath5k?

My personal computer, an Acer Aspire 3050 laptop is like a Pandora’s box when I boot into Linux. It has aged well, works perfectly, but something is always uncertain: I can’t never know if...

How did I force us_intl to behave 0

How did I force us_intl to behave

Many people believe that I hate Linux, or that I think it is bad… That’s not true. Some of my friends might remember my first years in my University where I got exposed to...